Tuesday 3 June 2008

Coming back to DLApiper (OCS Cleaning)

Being a cleaner is such a hybrid of happiness + laziness. Why? Because one must facing this kind of lazy feeling to get some extra money (happy). I got a call from my very good – old time friend, Amru last night asking for my help – covering his morning task at OCS cleaning sub DLAPiper (Level 4). Considering lots of money has been spent on last week (fuel, shopping, car maintenance bla bla bla), this money factor automatically beat my “laziness”. Agreed. Even susah nak bangun pagi. Lemah rasa badan.


For that bloody £12 + tolong member punya pasal (the latter is more significant!), I woke up at 5:50 am, siap-siap lebih kurang then straight to the place. I was kind of suprised when the supervisor, Joyce didn’t remember me. Fair enough, I was just a sub-cleaner after all heh heh. And the last time I’ve been there was last Easter holiday. Down to the main storeroom, pasrah because my favourite ‘backpack-style-hoover’ has gone – somebody took it first. Ambik yang lain lah!

Two and half hours of cleaning at DLApiper gave me some new environment. Compared to the old-skool (or school?) RGS site brought nothing unless tediousness caused by repetition (been working there since +/- a year ago). Ahhh, I want to go back home. Not 89 Monmouth, but J6831 Teratak Pinggir, 77300 Merlimau, Melaka, MALAYSIA. 17 days to go. Damn.

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