Tuesday, 11 May 2010

After 15 years and 1 month


The most recent pic was taken after my younger brother (that little boy) remind me about the older pic when we were visiting kampung on last raya. Thought it'll be quite cool to compare them, we struggled dragging the kapchai from backyard and put it on scene. The only problem was to set the angle correctly because we didn't have the old pic in hand. Can you spot the difference? :p


  1. ahahah~ yg ni nostalgik laa bro..moto ni dah xleh jalan ka?

  2. The motorcycle on 2009 picture looks newer than that of 1994. Must be the image quality obviously. Oh you should have done the jelingan pose on your brother.

  3. yep.. motor dah tak boleh jalan, karburetor gone and few other engine part missing, plus the rim dah reput hehe

    newer? oh yeah, the rear lamp is new hahaha. Could be better if I remembered the jelingan!

  4. X sound ko ade blog kenny.. Kalo aku tau dr dulu, senang nak melepas rindu bace blog ni :P

  5. motor tu pon dah takde bakul :)
