Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Acoustic Instabilities Has Made Me a Bit Stable


I dropped by at Woolley office this morning to give him research papers he requested (he found they are interesting, but I don't!) He was having a meeting with his student that time.

"Hello sir, can I just hand these papers in?"

"Oh yeah, sure, thank you. You did a good job!" said Woolley with big smile.

I was speechless.

"Well, thank you too, sir!" I wish I could ask him more but as not to disturb the meeting I asked to leave and again thanked him for his helps throughout the project.

Oh my god. I know its too early to assumed everything gone extremely well. Anyhoo, at this moment, while feeling bad thinking about real-life problem that bothering me so much, it does make me happy. There's nothing else but this.



  1. insyallah. jgn lupa kami di sini bila jadi saintis tersohor buat roket nanti ye?

  2. tahniah keni. aku ade lagi satu paper... dem

  3. heh heh saintis tersohor la konon... anyway bgus jugak kalau jadik betul2 hehe.. thanks fairuz, gud luck bai!

  4. tahniah2... bagus2... pasnih mai keja kat nvh proton, ko dah terer acoustics, hehehe...
    cepat la balik woi, jom pi karok... wuaaaaaa karok kat mesia best!

  5. Tahniah dude, nnt balik jadilah saintis yang baik dan tidak mengamalkan politik wang hehe..

    kepada kazman.. macamana dunia modeling?

  6. am very happy for u dear :D

  7. kepada raiedzall...
    dapatlah duit lebih skit, x byk pun... rgs lagi lumayan pak, hahahahaha...

  8. kenny.. takyah la masuk proton.. aku dh nk blah ni... baik ko jaga cacing ko tu.. keje bank ok gak.. manager bank yg bawak mazda 6..

  9. la apahal blah jo.. kata keje goyang kaki, bosan bosan isap rokok bawah pokok..

  10. blah la.. aku rasa mcm org tua je keje kat sini. aku masih muda dowh.. hihihihi.. igt nk jadi artis la.. mcm man.. model..
