Friday, 11 December 2009

The Arrival



Yeah. Dah sampai. Dah sebulan dah. Takat tu je la. Nak isi minyak duit tak ada. Hehehe. Sape sape nak blaja pasal import kereta sila la bertanya jangan segan. Aku dah ada pengalaman.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Kenny, Mana Kau??

Asalamualaikum !!!

Hari ni genaplah 116 hari ataupun 3 Bulan 24 hari aku tak mengepos. Ke mana aku? Biasalah, alasan biasa, busy beb! (masa kat uk) dan tak ada internet! (masa kat Malaysia) Serius aku tak tipu. Kepada pengunjung- pengunjung yang setia (ada la purata 7 orang dok bukak tiap2 hari) terima kasih la ye hehehe

Ok la sebab lama sangat dah tak update, aku nak bagi tau la ape dah jadi selama ni....

Sejak habis final exam, aku teramatlah sibuk, dalam sibuk- sibuk tu tu pun aku sempat :

.....round round satu Italy


..... pusing- pusing Netherland (again!), Belgium, Luxembourg & German macam biasa la dengan klik klik nih.


....merayau ke selatan England sambil memandu ala ala road trip la konon;


.....buat BBQ farewell secara besar - besaran siap dengan karaoke skrin besar walaupun bebudak yang datang tak lah ramai isk isk


Layan je la klip video tu sebagai kenang kenangan sambil tersengih!

Memandangkan masa- masa ni dah nak balik Malaysia, maka kitorang juga bertungkus lumus mengotakkan barang barang untuk di shippingkan secara last minute, mengemas rumah secara last minute dan sebagainya


.....juga masih sempat lagi bergegas- gegas menaiki The Wheel of Sheffield sebagai kenangan terakhir yang kebetulan baru dipasang...


Oh hampir terlupa. Aku nak bagitau yang aku dan rakan-rakan seperjuangan SUDAH BERJAYA GRAD!!! Mampu jugak rupanya aku ni ye setelah onak ranjau ditempuhi hehehe... Alhamdulillah & thanks to Wolley, lecturer dan kawan-kawan semua...


...dan aku juga telah membeli sebijik kereta Mazda 6 (biasa je, bukan BMW/Merc pun..)untuk dibawa pulang sebagai kereta... 'kereta' la kan, takkan le sebagai 'spare part' je hehehe - sebagai usaha mengelakkan diri membayar hutang kereta dan bunga- bunganya selama sembilan tahun! Walaupun begitu, ianya masih tersadai di Port Klang kerana urusan yang lembab. Maaf ye.


Nombor plate MT02 WTF. Smart tak? Astaghfirullah.

Pada 1/8/2009 aku pun balik la ke Malaysia bersama Sham dengan sedihnya meninggalkan Ronjers kesorangan di rumah sewa kami... Sorry Ronjers.


Gile kau, sedih woo time nih isk isk. Lagi sedih bila aku teringat- ingat masa kitorang:

Main kad - cukup susah nak ajak Aboo main. Ronjers pulak selalu pegi toilet padahal bergayut.


Main Monopoly - geram bila ada sorang mamat tu asyik dapat nasib baik je. Pembohong betul dadu tu.


Gulung rokok sama sama - banyak dah anak murid aku yek..


Makan - Tak kisah la beli ke , masak sendiri ke, pancing orang masak ke. Rindunya terkenang ayam Rajas, sweet sour chicken Noodle Inn, nasi lemak Aboo, kari Sham, Lasagna Ronjers, mee goreng belacan Kudo etc etc


Pekerja- Pekerja Cleaner RGS - yang sama-sama membanting tulang


Ok la, itu je lah informasi yang dapat aku bawakan buat masa ini. Iye, post kali ni memang panjang pasal nak cover 3 bulan lebih punya! Kepada kawan- kawan semua, jangan la lost contact ye. Berkabel- kabel la untuk masa depan yang cerah huhuhu..

Sila la tinggalkan komen, jangan segan- segan.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Kenapa Hatchback ada wiper belakang, tapi Saloon/Sedan tak ada?

cuba la korang jawab hahaha

[update 23/06/2009]: ya.. jawapan Kazman sungguh tepat sekali.. Macam tu la jawapan seorang engineer ha ha.. Walau bagaimanapun, kalau kau orang nak tau, ada jugak Sedan/Saloon yang dipasang wiper belakang... contoh nye kat kereta Peugeot dengan Impreza ni:



Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Acoustic Instabilities Has Made Me a Bit Stable


I dropped by at Woolley office this morning to give him research papers he requested (he found they are interesting, but I don't!) He was having a meeting with his student that time.

"Hello sir, can I just hand these papers in?"

"Oh yeah, sure, thank you. You did a good job!" said Woolley with big smile.

I was speechless.

"Well, thank you too, sir!" I wish I could ask him more but as not to disturb the meeting I asked to leave and again thanked him for his helps throughout the project.

Oh my god. I know its too early to assumed everything gone extremely well. Anyhoo, at this moment, while feeling bad thinking about real-life problem that bothering me so much, it does make me happy. There's nothing else but this.


What Kept Me Busy


That was it. Exam modules are very hard to score but so easy to fail. I chose more assigment modules over exam modules because it is very unlikely to get "fail" although it is quite hard to score. See the difference? Yeah but those things made me separuh gila. Few of them came in parallel; along with final year project - of course! Sebab tu lah aku tak update blog. Tak pe nanti aku buat backdated post..

Anyway, what's done is DONE.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Aku Sudah Gila

"Dalam hidup ni, kau takkan dapat semua yang kau nak. Kalau kau nak pun, kau kena sacrifice yang lain. Takkan dapat semua"


Thursday, 4 June 2009

Berakhirnya Tugas Seorang Perwira

Tanggal 4 haribulan 6 yang lepas, maka berakhirlah tanggungjawab aku sebagai seorang student. Walaupun aku taklah struggle macam askar di medan perang, tapi yang penting dah habis. Maka tamatlah jua tugas buku buku dan nota nota tersebut untuk mengajar otak aku yang dah pancit ni.. Tapi aku taklah rasa happy pun. Kenapa eh?

Monday, 1 June 2009

Kerusi Ini, Untuk Mencari Ilham *


Have been dreaming to get this armchair since first saw it at Kudo's. Only the price that stopped me. Got this from Zuhri who said his landlord is going to throw it, so I took the chance. Although they are slightly different; (Poang-£87 and Pello-dicontinued) but came from same maker (IKEA). Both do however give great back support and ultimate comfort. All in all, I didn't pay for it, WHO THE HELL CARES??? yay!

*Tiga Abdul 1964, "This chair is for inspiration"

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Goodbye Hallam


It has been 2 years, 7 months, and 10 days since the day 1st I start working with this building team. And its almost a year since the person who brought me there has left. Now is time to leave - hard for me though. Lots have been gained here, money of course, plus inexpensive experiences and unforgettable memories. I would say it was my baby step through real working experience. The place where I listen and struggle to understand Yorkshire and Scottish words.

Stuart Lee and Jill Hirst - The best superior I ever met. Never yell. Very understanding. Generous with time sheet too!


People come and go. Thats what they said, me unexcluded. And its like Vicky's typical job; to knit a dolly for everybody who is going to leave!


Does he looks like me?
Hail Hallam!

Friday, 22 May 2009

Panorama Bilik Bersepah

Saje je mencuba software baru hehehe

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Kalau Kau Tak Mahu Bising- Bising, Kau Pindahlah Belakang Hospital!


It was the last annual Sheffield Gig for me. Oh, dammit. Involved as a drummer, the band keeps changing its name and members; starting with Forbidden Donut (2006 +2007) going to The Conglomerate (2008) and finally Asthmatic Rhino (2009). This year, the only original kaki were me and Sham, plus an original kaki from Ah Lian Hot Pants, Kudo, plus Sheffield's newcomer. Asthmatic Rhino, inspired from the 1995 film - Jumanji, the last band which im in, the last hits for my drumming, but the first to feature an awek as vocalist.


What Im going to say about the gig? Yeah, as usual, there were controversies but it has been solved. IT WAS THE BEST GIG IN MY LIFE. Crowd very supportive, even first band on the list tak main macam orang bodoh atas pentas pasal crowd semua tak buat bodoh kat bawah pentas, tak borak- borak macam nothing happen, macam tahun- tahun sudah. No faulty equipment, no sex and drug (as usual), and yeah, lagu semua layan. Like what Kudo said, Karok Live Version. Unfortunately, we dont have video for our band. Yes, very unfortunate. I dont know why exactly, but MadGrapeTV crew said so. Here the pics for the gig, taken and uploaded by photographers who were there that night. Credits go to them.

Oh I wish I could be here again next year. Gian nak main drum lagi. Ape boleh buat. Kudos and hail to all!


*Gambar ihsan dari kawan-kawan

Monday, 9 March 2009



*tajuk xde kaitan

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Spanish Express

Just realized I bought this stuff when struggling looking for lunch. Really tired of burger, megi, chips, fish etc etc. Jemu. Cooked with chicken breast and capsicum. Waa... sedap oooo!!


Monday, 23 February 2009

Malam Pria "Karaoke" Mambo

Lots of new faces, new voices, which was really great. And I have been tinking to upgrade the system as shown below:

Sounds great eh? £81.99 + £219 + £18.99 = whoa, that's £319.98!! I simply ain't got fund, so forget about it - unless somebody kind enough to throw me some cash!

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Pergi me "mangkuk"

Hari Jumaat lepas kami pergi main bowling. Kami tempah lambat, jadi kami dapat main pukul 10.20 malam. Mula mula Abu x mahu ikut. Abu kata dia tak pandai main. Tapi akhirnya dia ikut juga. Kami main dua pusingan. Pusingan akhir Abu menang. Abu buat rekod peribadi baru. Markah dia 141 poin. Gembira Abu malam itu.

Rendang HazratZul

Hazrat (yat) cooked his special rendang last week. Sedap gile babi.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009



Seems the word "bloke" has become very popular nowadays (even among vandals)..

Thursday, 5 February 2009

I Love This Song

Tuesday, 3 February 2009


Ni lah bile dah xde kerja nak buat.. saje bosan bosan..

Friday, 30 January 2009

Kam n Eat Mi San


Monday, 19 January 2009

Megi Sedap


When I was in London three weeks ago, a friend of mine introduced me this superb Thai instant noodle. I didn't manage to translate whatever it says on the package (even brand name) so I took some pics. Found them at Thaipanna, a Thai groceries shop in Sheffield. You can buy 4 packs for 1 quid. Served today as lunch. Slurpp..
