It was the last annual Sheffield Gig for me. Oh, dammit. Involved as a drummer, the band keeps changing its name and members; starting with Forbidden Donut (2006 +2007) going to The Conglomerate (2008) and finally Asthmatic Rhino (2009). This year, the only original kaki were me and Sham, plus an original kaki from Ah Lian Hot Pants, Kudo, plus Sheffield's newcomer. Asthmatic Rhino, inspired from the 1995 film - Jumanji, the last band which im in, the last hits for my drumming, but the first to feature an awek as vocalist.
What Im going to say about the gig? Yeah, as usual, there were controversies but it has been solved. IT WAS THE BEST GIG IN MY LIFE. Crowd very supportive, even first band on the list tak main macam orang bodoh atas pentas pasal crowd semua tak buat bodoh kat bawah pentas, tak borak- borak macam nothing happen, macam tahun- tahun sudah. No faulty equipment, no sex and drug (as usual), and yeah, lagu semua layan. Like what Kudo said, Karok Live Version. Unfortunately, we dont have video for our band. Yes, very unfortunate. I dont know why exactly, but MadGrapeTV crew said so. Here the pics for the gig, taken and uploaded by photographers who were there that night. Credits go to them.
Oh I wish I could be here again next year. Gian nak main drum lagi. Ape boleh buat. Kudos and hail to all!
*Gambar ihsan dari kawan-kawan