Thursday, 30 October 2008

Nothing Special


Just a random shot with HDR processing (featuring FAR the BLOKE)

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Kudo Beli Drum ye yeh


Semalam, aku tolong Kudo pasang TD-9 dia.. tapi sayang, pedal kaki dijual berasingan rupanya.. maka aku pun mencadangkan Kudo supaya membeli dw 5002AD3 secepat mungkin.. kalau tak macam mana nak main, kan kudo kan?

Monday, 20 October 2008

Cak pong, cak pong!


Tahniah la kat abang aku yang selamat menyelesaikan majlis perkahwinannya pada 23 Ogos hari tu. Majlis tu telah diorganize kan oleh kami adik- beradik (yang berjaga 2hari 2 malam). Yang tak bestnya, hari tu hujan turun sepanjang hari. Tapi Alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan agak lancar. Apa yang aku boleh komen satu je;

PENAT dowh!!!

Using British Informal Word


Malaysian students in UK should know this word. For those who don't, please ask this guy.


Monday, 6 October 2008

Replacing Brake Pads


My beloved K262OWS due to M.O.T. expires soon. With helps from my new house mate's ex-mechanic dad, we managed to complete the job in the middle of the night. Thanks to the light man who made the job even easier. It was not a plan, but as to cut down the labor cost, I got no choice. Credit goes to ayah Pi'e.